Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Triple-denim? Jennifer Love Hewitt, please, no!

Could anyone really be that cruel?

Could anyone make a show about the dearly-departed and then go on to consciously commit a fashion crime so heinous that it might leave people wanting to go to the other side?

It seems that Jennifer Love Hewitt may be just such a person. She might also be the sort of person who has managed to surpass double denim, the year's worst fashion trend. Yes I scarcely thought it possible, but not so; you see Love Hewitt has managed to find enough layers of denim in her wardrobe to hit the streets in something far, far worse. Triple denim.

Jennifer Love Hewitt Triple Denim

Now please don't say I'm over-reacting. Nor should you concentrate on the individual pieces. Yes, there are elements of 'pretty' in her outfit. It's a cute shirt. And look at those frills... But all cuteness is merely conceptual. Mix two layers of waxed denim and a pair of Rock & Republic Scorpion jeans, and do it in a frilly, girly way. With lots of waves in your hair. The result? People start accepting not only double denim, but triple denim. Soon enough we're all wearing it. And where will that leave us?

Looking like Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake. That's right chaps, you too may end up wearing quadruple-denim.

The humanity of it.

Justin Timberlake Britney Sprears Denim

Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank Jennifer Love Hewitt in Burbank

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