Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Double denim fashion trend: it's fugly

Double Denim

Born in the middle of the decade I'm too young to remember any of its culture, instead preferring endless memories of Thomas The Tank Engine. That may be a lie actually, I do remember part of the culture. I remember perms. I remember mullets. I remember a plethora of crimes committed against my young eyes by baby boomers who should have known better (though that generation aren't exactly known for getting anything right). And amongst those heinous crimes which aided the development of my acute sense of loathing all things 80s is double denim.

Which brings me to some terrible news dear readers: double denim is back.

But there's hope. There's hope that we've caught it soon enough. There's hope that we can show people the error of their ways before double denim spreads. And is going to lead the charge: normally fully behind the majority of fashion trends and micro-trends, we're labelling the double denim fashion trend the major faux pas amongst all of 2009's fashion trends and 2010's fashion trends.

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